I felt like this novel dealt a lot with the concept of self, identity, and the changing of such. There's a great deal of fantastical, supernatural, and metaphorical imagery in this novel, and although like A Wild Sheep Chase, this novel liked to ride a bit on the ambiguous and weird, unlike AWSC, Bourne also focused a lot on the emotional relationships and changes between the characters. Change seems very prevalent in this novel, which takes place in an ecologically barren futuristic city that is terrorized by a giant flying bear named Mord. When the protagonist Rachel first discovers Bourne in Mords fur, she takes on a role liken to motherhood, wanting to care for Bourne and keep him safe, and Bourne seems to have the mentality close to that of a child, not seeing death as a bad thing, and at first existing in a very black and white mentality as he begins to learn. Its through Bournes learning and changing, which eventually becomes literal as he learns to shapeshift into Rachel an...