The Aquatic Uncle

I found that this story gleaned heavily and literally into the concept of generational differences in the passage of time, and the conformity of the majority. In the real world, people have been complaining about the younger generation since there was a younger generation to complain about, and older generations will always seem to cling to the world that existed when they were younger. This idea is represented in a majorly literal way, with generational change represented by literal human evolution. At the current time, a majority of the previously aquatic population has changed to be land dwelling, moving out of the water and to the land, including the protagonist as well, whos aged uncle stubbornly refuses to leave the aquatic lifestyle he has existed in for so long, clinging to what he has always knows despite what the grand majority of society is doing. The uncles whole family, as well as most of the human population ends up abandoning the uncle to go live on land, and he stubbornly stays in his ways, firmly believing that the way hes always known is the better one, very reminiscent of common beliefs held by older generations today. The only other character who wants to live in the water seems to be the protagonists fiance, who was born on land and never grew up aquatically. She ends up abandoning the protagonist to pursue the new life she never experienced before in the ocean, while the uncle does the opposite, staying in the ocean out of rejection for the new.


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